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Company's Policies


Whistle-blowing Policy


The Board of Directors shall ensure the protection of any reporting member of the board, officer or employee of any violations of any company rules and regulation and governmental laws. This is done through implementation of whistle blower policies wherein members of the Board, officer or employee are encouraged to speak up any problems within the Company without fear of retaliation.

Company Personnel Manual

Whistleblowers may reach the following personnel to report their concerns and/or complaints relating to the violation of their rights:

Personnel Department
Name: Ms. Rosalinda Catimpo
Telephone: 8893-6060 loc. 212

Compliance Officer: Mr. Rudy Go
Internal Audit: Ms. Dorothy U. So

Any employee having proof of the dishonesty, negligence or disloyalty on the part of the Company's personnel should promptly report the matter, either verbally or in writing to his immediate supervisor or to any higher officer of the Company.


Conflict of Interest Policy

A Conflict of Interest Policy is hereby issued to provide guidelines in order to comply with the provisions set forth under the Company's Personnel Manual.

In case of existing or potential conflict of interest, such shall be disclosed promptly to the employee's immediate supervisor and referred to the Head of the Department prior to entering such transaction. For the Directors, any conflict of interest shall be addressed as indicated in the Manual on Corporate Governance.

Possible transactions where conflict of interests may arise:

  • Moonlighting or having sideline work while still with the Company

  • Ownership of an interest, or employment in the management of an organization providing servi trading.

    For the past five years up to present, there has been no case of insider trading involving the Company and its directors and management. The Company continues to adhere with existing government regulations against insider trading.



    Related Party Transactions Policy

  • Transactions entered into by the Company with related parties are disclosed to shareholders in the Company's annual report and annual audited financial statements. The disclosure includes the nature and extent of transactions with the affiliated and related parties.

  • For the past five years up to present, there has been no complaint, dispute or problem on related party transactions.

    The policies and procedures of the company relating to the assessment and definition, review, approval and monitoring of the related party transactions are disclosed on page 20 of the ACGR as follows:

    Assessment and Definition

    Enterprises and individuals that directly, or indirectly through one or more intermediaries, control or are controlled by or under common control with the Company, including holding companies, subsidiaries and fellow subsidiaries, are related parties of the Company. Associates and individuals owning, directly or indirectly, an interest in the voting power of the Company that gives them significant influence over the enterprise, key management personnel, including directors and officers of the Company and close members of the family of these individuals, and companies associated with these individuals also constitute related parties.


    Review, Assessment and Approval

    Related party transactions are transactions which are entered into by the Company in the normal conduct of its business and operations and are made on an arm's length basis.

    In considering each possible related entity relationship, attention is directed to the substance of the relationship and not merely the legal form.


    Recording and Monitoring

    The Group discloses the nature of the related party relationship and information about the transactions and outstanding balances necessary for an understanding of the potential effect of the relationship on the consolidated financial statements, including, as a minimum, the amount of outstanding balances and its terms and conditions including whether they are secured, and the nature of the consideration to be provided in settlement.

    Related party transactions are arm's length transactions which are measured and valued at prevailing market rates. Assessment, review and monitoring of these transactions are done yearly by the Executive Committee.



    Employees' Health, Safety and Welfare Policy


  • The Group recognizes the role of its employees in the good performance and success of the business of the Company. In return, the Group values the health, safety and welfare of its employees.

    Benefits include medical assistance benefit, annual physical check-up, accident insurance, semi-annual socials, loans and donations as needed, in addition to the work leaves and bonuses.

    Company Personnel Manual

    To give recognition to its greatest asset, its human resources, the Company realizes that the best utilization and development of this asset is the key to continued success. The Company gives consideration to certain basic aims in regard to employees. These are:


    1. To provide each employee the opportunity and stimulation for growth and development so that he will become increasingly effective in his job, and will also be prepared, in proportion to his ability, for greater responsibilities to enable the organization to be sustained by promotion from within;

    2. To contribute to the economic security of employees by providing a safe work environment, and a fair wage for the job performed;

    3. To maintain effective channels of communication to provide employees with adequate knowledge of the Company's objectives, activities, plans and progress. Each employee should know how his job contributes to the Company's objectives, what his duties and responsibilities are, to whom he is accountable, how he is performing in his job, advised of changes which will affect him in advance of the change, and to be fairly evaluated of his performance;

    4. To encourage every employee to express freely his ideas and suggestions concerning the Company, its operations and activities, and to make maximum utilization of the employee's contributions;

    5. To instill in each employee pride and confidence in the policies, products and continued progress of the Company.

    Health, safety and welfare of its employees

    The company values its employees through provision of benefits which include medical assistance benefit, annual physical check-ups, accident insurance, semi-annual socials, loans and donations as needed, in addition to the work leaves and bonuses.


    Trainings and development programmes

    Training and development programmes are also given to the company employees for their continuing professional development and to improve their productivity.


    Certification on Employee Trainings

                   Cityland Development Corporation

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